I've worked so far
  • @ Capital One
    • Analyzed complex business processes and implemented solutions to reduce currency conversion losses by over $10M+
    • Led the architecture and implementation of a feature that resulted in cutting losses by around $1.5M/year
    • Developed scalable ECS clusters on AWS, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and documented the process for deploying containers to the cloud that have been used by multiple teams throughout the organization
  • @ Ericsson
    • Developed 5G Radio features in C++ that helped increase LTE data throughput by 400%
    • Designed an interactive Bash script that reduced time spent debugging mobile connection logs by 50%
    • Integrated script with Python Remote Desktop Protocols to automate mobile testing and triple capacity
  • @ McMaster University
    • Received recognition for highest Instructional Assistant rating voted by all students ā€“ 4.6/5
    • Conducted Engineering Design and Ethics tutorials for 1000+ 1st year students with a team of 3
    • Mentored students building a project for a disabled client through the Product Development Life Cycle
  • @ QKids Tech.
    • Developed a Python based ATS using SQLite and SQL Server that filtered over 5000 candidates
    • Integrated with Gmail API to automate messaging which saved over 160 hours of sending emails
    • Optimized string matching algorithms by improving the buffer comparison operations
  • @ King Faisal Hospital
    • Analyzed medical equipment with an Oscilloscope to find and repair minor defective components
    • Composed an Arduino and Circuitry training program for freshmen interns to learn programming
    • Performed 13 training labs in PLC and FPGA design and documented the labs for future interns
I studied

McMaster University

June 2019

Mechatronics Engineering & Co-op (software focus)

Relevant Courses:
Algorithms and Data Structures
Distributed Systems
Networks and Security
Operating Systems
Software Optimization
Scientific Computation
Control Theory
Embedded Systems
Real-Time Systems
Signal Processing
Some things I've
A robot that plays chess autonomously. Simple? NO! ChessMate integrates with an AWS server to bring ultra fast latency. Using image recognition, it can play chess against anyone (and win 99% of the time).

OpenCV; AWS; Python
@ HackPrinceton. VR headset that detects nearby threats to the partially sighted where threats to the user were displayed in real-time Augmented Reality. Won 1st place in the VR/AR Hack category.

OpenCV; TensorFlow; Python
DRACO: Dual robotic Arm Control Operation. Simultaneously controlled the arm movements using a set of potentiometers acting as a joystick. Enabled logging of different moving patterns to create repetitive movements (similar to what would be seen in factory robotics).

Arduino; C++; Robotics
Android App for Google Glass that displays and manages restaurant orders on the Glass head-up display. Orders taken from the cashier or servers can be transfered to kitchen workers wearing the Google Glass in the kitchen to improve performance and reduce errors.

JavaScript; Android; APIs

More Project Images
is my expertise

My TOP 3 programming languages are
Python Icon C++ Icon Java Icon

I'm also confident using
Matlab Icon C Language Icon Bash Icon OpenCV Icon AWS Icon JavaScript Icon jQuery Icon HTML5 Icon CSS3 Icon

And have previously worked with
Linux Icon Git Icon MySQL Icon NumPy Icon MatPlotLib Icon Boto3 Icon NASM Icon Eclipse Icon


During my studies, I learnt about
Robotics Icon FPGA Icon Arm Cortex Icon STM 32 Icon SystemVerilog Icon

I also had design experience using
AutoDesk Inventor Icon AutoDesk AutoCAD Icon Fusion 360 Icon Siemens NX Icon

Can't forget about Electricity
LabVIEW Icon PLCs Icon Circuitry Icon


Skills I picked up over the years
Photoshop Icon 3D Printing Icon Laser Cutting Icon

Never stop learning
I love bringing my creativity to life. This drive has given me the opportunity to bring a lot of my work to fruition. Click an image to read more about it.

am I?

Hello again!

I'm Mostafa Okasha, a Mechatronics graduate turned Software Engineer living in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who enjoys building things and working on projects that bring different technologies together to do something awesome. I especially love writing code and designing my creative ideas.

I have a deep passion for Robotics, Task Automation, and Emerging Tech. I always enjoyed coding and the strength it brings you and love bringing different technologies together to create new and impactful products. I have experiences in several fields and many skills that can be brought together to provide a unique, outside the box perspective. From building complex circuitry to integrating software on servers, I embraced the true meaning of Mechatronics and the diversity of this field by learning several skills and bringing them together to create beautiful, emerging tech.

I've been developing an extreme interest in leadership and public speaking ever since my internship as an Instructional Assistant Intern at McMaster University. It made me realize the satisfaction of helping others and making positive impacts on any community. Thus, I have set out to take on any roles that would help me accomplish this!

01. Values

I try my best to abide by these three values:

  • To always be honest and respectful to everyone that I cross paths with.
  • To always help those in need and to support my friends and family to the best of my ability.
  • To always put in 100% effort into everything that I make.

02. Goals

From the early days to my childhood up until this point, whenever I asked myself what my goals in life were, I always came to the same answer. To change the world. I never quite rationalized the scale of this goal until a few years back when I realized it would take several life times do so. After considering the shortness, that is life, and the rediculously limited amount of time I would have on this earth (assuming I optimize for safety and survival), I would only be able to really change a few things. So I picked the three problems that I thought were most dire and decided to take it from there. So here they are:

  • Fix the horrible health system we currently have in place. More than 90% of fellow humans do not recieve the health treatment and attention that every human deserves. With current technological advances, the world is capable of taking care of everyone.

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  • This is a placement text, which means I have not yet completed this part of the website. I apologize for the inconvenience, reach out to me and I'll fill you in on any information you want to know about me!

03. Interests

Interests: Piano, Ukelele, Photography, Archery, Painting, Swimming, Soccer, Designing, Writing rediculously good Google Reviews, and I love Anime!

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04. Vision for the world

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Never stop improving
My Message

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy

Dear World,

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This is a placement text, which means I have not yet completed this part of the website. I apologize for the inconvenience, reach out to me and I'll fill you in on any information you want to know about me!

This is a placement text, which means I have not yet completed this part of the website. I apologize for the inconvenience, reach out to me and I'll fill you in on any information you want to know about me!

All The Best,